Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Oil/Gas Pipelines: Opportunities and Challenges

Oil has become the most in-demand product in the world. It has become the center of round-table discussions, and never that a single day passed without it being on the news. Decrease in its supply could mean the downfall of nations, especially the industrialized ones. This was evident in three world oil crises in 1973, 1979, and a brief one in 1990, which reversed the flow of money, making the oil-producing countries in the Middle East the vital force that could change the direction of the future of the world. Their cut-offs in production led to the creation of policies and rules on consumption, saving, and independence from oil.A nation, controlling the production, selling, and over-all management of oil, is assured of a significant posting in any field of the world’s lifestyle, but most importantly in politics and economics (Tanter, 2007). To become something like this, a nation should invest in ways on how to transport oil from its sources to its consumers, like the creatio n of networks of pipelines.Research and development projects have been carried out and continuously be done to meet the challenges in connection with oil and gas pipelines. One of these is the continuing drive to discover more oil and gas reserves locked under the earth or offshore. There are still many places in the planet that need to be explored. Even the most extreme environments should be included, like what they did to the North Sea.Designing and manufacturing pipes will still emerge as one of the important factors in the realm of oil and gas pipelines. Through the years, designs have been continuously improved to accommodate several factors like environment, and the nature of oil and gas. Researchers now consider the direct relationship of the size of the diameter of the pipe with the flow capacity of the product. Moreover, they also examine the expansion and contraction of pipes during the transportation of oil and gas due to significant temperature change, which could resul t to cracks, collapse tensions, and other similar effects. Materials will continuously be tested to determine the best for pipes. Though steel is already being used, improvements are still being done to test durability. Stresses and fractures, especially offshore projects, should be accounted for to minimize the percentage of failure. Cathodic protection against corrosion should be upheld to the highest level to assure the survivability of the pipes throughout the project.Terrorism attacks on pipelines will remain one of the most feared human phenomena. This is due to the fact that whenever pipelines are bombed or attacked, industries are affected. With this, countries should strengthen their monitoring schemes to ensure the safety and zero attack on their pipelines.Keeping with the laws of nature and environment also poses great challenge to companies engaged in oil and gas pipelines. Discovery of new sites for extraction will always encounter similar scenario with the trans-Alaska crude pipeline project, which was delayed for nine years, because the construction of pipelines was attached to environmental issues (Kennedy, 1993). Environmentalists will still be around the corner to watch the movements of oil companies.A greater challenge is on the side of politics and regulation. Better policies and laws covering the construction of pipelines, and transportation of oil and gas should be enacted to cover threats and possible failure-causing movements, especially in explorations crossing two different countries. Faster approval of laws should be done to maximize the economic potentials of the discovered oil and gas reserves.The greatest challenge could be the offering of affordable price of pipelined products to consumers. Companies must take note that the advancements they make with pipe designs and manufacturing, and the entire pipeline construction and transportation project, should go at par with the purchasing power of consumers, who are directly affected b y any oil price hike.Since the drilling of the first commercial oil well in 1859 in Pennsylvania, the evolution of pipelines has gone a long way, though remaining as the most economical way (Kennedy, 1993). Oil and gas pipelines are efficient, using only 4% of the energy content of the transported product. This is far better in comparison with other modes of transportation like water, rail, and trucks (Dykesteen & Frantzen, 1991).Higher levels of technology give way for the development of better pipes and more sophisticated pipeline networks. These could yield higher efficiency rate and better service for the people, who basically need the product in their everyday living.The construction of country’s own pipelines could spell independence from importing oil and gas from foreign countries. This could also alleviate problems on oil crisis, and cut-off on importation rate. This could consequently clip the country to economic prosperity because of the removal of the burdens of o il importation.Pipelines transport oil, and natural gas from extracting wells located in the different parts of the globe, including the most hostile areas like Alaska and Siberia. These products are then refined, and prepared for consumption by all citizens in all corners of the world. These products when properly used could continuously fuel the economic progress of any country involved with it.References:CBC News Online. 2006. The price of oil – in context. Retrieved 29 June 2007., E & K Frantzen. 1991. Multiphase Fraction Meter Developed and Field Tested. Oil & Gas Journal. 18 February 1991: 50.Kennedy, JL. 1993. Oil And Gas Pipeline Fundamentals. 2nd ed. Oklahoma: PennWell Books.Tanter, R. 2007. Pipeline Politics: Oil, Gas and the US Interest in Afghanistan. Znet. Retrieved 29 June 2007., J. 2006. Additions on the Capacity of the US Natural Gas Pipeline Network: 2005. Energy Informat ion Administration, Office of Oil and Gas. Retrieved 29 June 2007.

Personal Challenge Essay

There's plenty Of things I'll have to do in order to get through high school and have the grades to get into college. Participating in class and asking questions will help me to bet term understand what we're learning. Also, studying for exams and quizzes will lead to better g reads, which will look good to colleges. Doing all work and getting it all turned in on time will h elf to improve my grades. A high school diploma is a must have for getting accepted into a good college. No college, no job in the future. Basically have to go to college in order to AC hive my Laos of being an athletic trainer.Finding the right college is going to take some e time and research. A college I would really like to go to is Duquesne University. Would I eke to go there because that's where my sister went. I would first want to see if this specific c allege would provide the education need to be an athletic trainer. I would also want to fin d out what the guidelines and requirements are for getting int o that school. I could research the school and see what I can find, or I could talk to the guidance counselor here at Keystone. I co old also talk to y sister about the layout of the school and where certain classes and places are.Playing basketball in college would also motivate me to stick with it. Playing basketball I could also get me a scholarship for college, so then my tuition wont be quite so much for m I've played basketball all my life and been around many athletes. I've seen ho w and why many injuries happen, and have had many injuries myself that required physic cal therapy with an athletic trainer. Being around this environment so much has really gotten me interested in being an athletic trainer. Eave always thought that it seemed like a fun career to ha eve.I'm going to have to work very hard to achieve this goal of mine. Its not goanna be easy beck cause there's a lot of things to learns, but I know I can do it. Everyone has something they would love to accomplish in their life. My goal I s to take up a career of being an athletic trainer. In order to achieve this I will have to work hard at everything do at school. I'll also have to get through both high school and cool leg with good grades. With that being said, achieving my goal of being an athletic trainer is g Anna be hard, but I can definitely do it.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Cultural Effects on English Language Collocation as Foreign Language

In English language, there are many fixed, identifiable, non-idiomatic phrases and construction. Such groups of words are called recurrent combinations, fixed combination or collocation. Collocation fall into two major groups: grammatical collocation and lexical collocation. For people who regard the English language as a foreign language or second language, it’s so difficult to express it as perfect. This â€Å"mini research paper† talks about â€Å"Cultural Effect on English Language Collocation as Foreign Language† to help them more understanding in how to mastering English.Keywords: Collocation, English as a second language, Cultural effects Introduction Learners of English as a foreign or second language, like learners of any language, have traditionally devoted themselves to mastering words – their pronunciations, forms, and meanings. However, if they wish to acquire active mastery of English. That is, if they wish to be able to express themselves fl uently and accurately in speech and writing, they must learn to cope with the combination of words into phrases, sentences and texts. Students must learn how words combine or ‘collocate’ with each other.In any language, certain words regularly combine with certain other words or grammatical constructions. Collocations are important to language learners. When learners use collocations, they will be better understood. Native speakers unconsciously predict what is going to be said based on the use of phrases. If a non-native speaker uses frequently-used patterns (collocations), it will be easier for native speakers to guess what the non-native speaker is saying and may help compensate for other language issues, such as pronunciation.When learners write and speak, if they use collocations central to their topic, their readers are more likely to understand their message. The importance of vocabulary acquisition has always been recognized, although, at times, vocabulary was t reated as separate from grammar and skills. However, the communicative and natural approach emphasized the importance of vocabulary development. Vocabulary knowledge involves considerably more than just knowing the meanings of given words in isolation; it involves knowing the words that tend to co-occur with it.Hoey (2005) in Shokouhi (2010), for example, argues that non-native speakers behave differently with collocations than native speakers, in that the former group learns them in very restricted contexts. Compounding this problem is the fact that the frequency of particular combinations depends upon the genre in which each occurs. Grammatical and lexical collocations, like the accompaniments of nouns with other nouns, adjectives with nouns, verbs with other parts of speech, or many other such combinations, may all show different behaviour. Literature ReviewCollocation Collocation is a tendency of words in a language to occur in close proximity to each other (based on logical and meaningful relationships between then, patterns of association and usage, etc). Collocation can be ascertained by experience, reading, and study of dictionaries that give multiple examples in the form of quotations, such as the Oxford English Dictionary) Chandler (1998). Students must learn how words combine or ‘collocate’ with each other. In any language, certain words regularly combine with certain other words or grammatical constructions.These recurrent, semi-fixed combinations or collocations can be divided into group (BBI dictionary): 1. Grammatical collocation Grammatical collocation is a phrase consisting of a dominant word (noun, adjective, verb) and preposition or grammatical structure such as an infinitive or clause. Example : account for, advantage over, adjacent to, by accident, to be afraid that. 2. Lexical collocation Lexical collocations consist of various combinations of nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs. Lexical collocations, in contrast to grammati cal collocations, do not contain prepositions, infinitives or clauses.Example: a crushing defeat, storms rage, a world capital. Lewis (1998) proposes the following categories for collocations: 1. Strong: A large number of collocations are strong or very strong. For example, we most commonly talk of rancid butter, but that does not mean that other things cannot be rancid. 2. Weak: These are words which co-occur with a greater than random frequency. Many things can be long or short, cheap or expensive, good or bad. However, some things are more predictable, which could be alled collocation; for example, white wine or red wine. 3. Medium strength: These are words that go together with a greater frequency than weak collocations. Some examples are: hold a meeting; carry out a study. The context in which a collocation is used is important. Certain collocations or expressions are appropriate for certain contexts. Factors such as a difference in status or a social distance between the speak er and the hearer can affect the choice of collocational phrases. For example, we would not greet our boss by saying â€Å"How’s it going? ; however, it is all right to greet a friend that way. This example suggests that knowledge of connotation and formality is important in deciding which collocation to use. (Deveci, 2003). Language and culture There are many ways in which the phenomena of language and culture are intimately related. Both phenomena are unique to humans and have therefore been the subject of a great deal of anthropological and sociological study. Language, of course, is determined by culture, though the extent to which this is true is now under debate.The converse is also true to some degree: culture is determined by language – or rather, by the replicators that created both. 1)Language as Determined by Culture Early anthropologists, following the theory that words determine thought, believed that language and its structure were entirely dependent on the cultural context in which they existed. This was a logical extension of what is termed the Standard Social Science Model, which views the human mind as an indefinitely malleable structure capable of absorbing any sort of culture without constraints from genetic or neurological factors.In this vein, anthropologist Verne Ray conducted a study in the 1950's, giving color samples to different American Indian tribes and asking them to give the names of the colors. He concluded that the spectrum we see as â€Å"green†, â€Å"yellow†, etc. was an entirely arbitrary division, and each culture divided the spectrum separately. According to this hypothesis, the divisions seen between colors are a consequence of the language we learn, and do not correspond to divisions in the natural world. A similar hypothesis is upheld in the extremely popular meme of Eskimo words for snow – common stories vary from fifty to upwards of two hundred. )Language as Part of Culture For man y people, language is not just the medium of culture but also is a part of culture. It is quite common for immigrants to a new country to retain their old customs and to speak their first language amid fellow immigrants, even if all present are comfortable in their new language. This occurs because the immigrants are eager to preserve their own heritage, which includes not only customs and traditions but also language. A good example of this is in Canada, where French-speaking natives of Quebec clash with the English-speaking majority.This sort of conflict is also common in areas with a great deal of tribal warfare. It is even becoming an issue in America as speakers of standard American English – mainly whites and educated minorities – observe the growing number of speakers of black English vernacular. Debates are common over whether it is proper to use â€Å"Ebonics† in schools, while its speakers continue to assert that the dialect is a fundamental part of th e â€Å"black culture†. Hossein Shokouhi (2010) found in his research that vocabulary in general and collocation in particular are important to language learning.If collocational associations are not properly taught and learned, the resulting irregularities will immediately mark the learners’ speech or writing as problematic and non-native. Tanju Deveci (2003) said that many cultures, including the Turkish culture, encourage rote learning, where students memorise lists of words in isolation and when they saw the words in phrases, they could not understand them. Such surface level knowledge inhibits meaningful learning and creates collocation-related problems such as the following: 1.Learners may have intra-lingual problems. For example, instead of many thanks, they might incorrectly use several thanks. 2. Learners may make negative transfer from their mother tongue. For example, some Turkish learners tend to say become lovers instead of fall in love. 3. Learners may lo ok for general rules for collocations that do not work for all collocations. For example, they might over-generalize rules of collocation, for example, the use of prepositions in phrasal verbs. They could think that put off your coat is the opposite of put on your coat. 4.When students learn words through definitions or in isolation, their chances of using appropriate collocations or remembering the words decrease. 5. Students may fail to make sense of an idiom. To illustrate, the English idiom It is raining cats and dogs does not make sense to Turkish learners of English because this idiom does not exist in their culture. To communicate the same idea, Turkish learners would say It is raining out of the glass, which does not make sense in English. 6. When students read texts, they may not recognize collocations as meaningful phrases, which would inhibit their understanding of the text. Findings of researchIn this study, the authors take 30 students of Unnes form several majors wheth er they’re English students or not English students as a sample. The participants were given some questions about collocation. This is representing how the Indonesian students make a word combination From 30 respondents. Only 13 students or 44% of students who make a correct answer and it’s not only students from Language and Art Faculty but also from the others. It means that the origin culture has influenced the Indonesian students in expressing English. On the other hand, Based on the tests, respondents have failed to place the right words.That is the fact that a culture has an influence to students in making a word combination well. When the Indonesian wants to say â€Å" Seseorang harus percaya diri dengan kemampuannya† or One should have confidence with his own ability, whereas in English the truth is â€Å"One should have confidence in his own ability†. Conclusion Collocation is very important in English language because with collocation language w ill be more natural and more easily understood, learners will have alternative and richer ways of expressing themselves and it is easier to remember and use language in chunks or blocks rather than as single words.This mini research found that the Indonesian students are still influenced by the Indonesian language in expressing English especially in choosing the words to make a word combination well or good-collocation. To make a good word combination or right-collocation, the Author advises to readers especially to Indonesian students to use a BBI dictionary written by Benson, M. , E. Benson and R. F. Ilson.References Daniel Chandler, 1998 Semiotics for Beginners: a more complex semiotic explanation of denotation/connotation and paradigmatic/syntagmatic analysis. Deveci, Tanju, 2003 teaches English for Academic Purposes at Sabanci University in Istanbul. Hossein Shokouhi, 2010 Collocational Knowledge versus General Linguistic Knowledge among Iranian EFL Learners. , Shahid Chamran U niversity, Iran Lewis, M. 1998. Implementing the lexical approach. London: Language Teaching Publications. Benson, M. , E. Benson and R. F. Ilson. 1997. The BBI dictionary of English word combinations. Amsterdam; Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Co. Appendix Collocation Test i. Fill in the blank the questions below . What is the usual way of describing someone who eats a lot? a)a big eater b)a strong eater c)a hard eater d)a heavy eater e)a furious eater 2. Which is the truth the following phrases? a)a solid tea b)a powerful tea c)a strong tea d)an iron tea e) a stiff tea 3. The high walls give the garden protection †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. the wind. a)From b)To c)Against d)Of e)At 4. Nobody refused for fear †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. losing their job. a)From b)Of c)Over d)On e)to 5. One should have confidence †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. his own ability. a)On b)At c)Over d)In e)With

Monday, July 29, 2019

Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 31

Case Study Example There is number of middle class population is living in India. So, the target audience is average middle class of the population. For that, the product category is divided into two. One is grooming product, it includes body fragrances and spa. The other product is beauty product, and it includes skincare cosmetics and color cosmetics. The other benefit of the product is that it has very affordable prices with high quality and high value products. It will not be wrong to state that, Mary Kay is a globally recognized brand. As, it is a global brand, so, its products are manufactured in different countries of the world. The countries that manufacture the products of Mary Kay are Texas and Dallas in USA, and Hangzhou in China. Moreover, the beauty and grooming products are sold in five continents and in 35 different countries all around the world (Cateora 481). As India’s population is growing, so, the upper class of India is the most consuming class individuals are growing with over 500 million. The people of these classes are very optimistic, and the majority of consumers are young. They are the one who promote the consumerism enhance the luxurious life over the basic items. While focusing on the consumers and their feelings to target an audience, it has been noticed that in Indian culture promotion of beauty products can be successful because they want to live a good, perfect life for that they prefer to groom themselves. So, it can be beneficial for the company’s venture into the developing market of cosmetics (Cateora 481). For the awareness of the brand and its performance, the Mary Kay started marketing operation for the product launch in India in 2007. Then, in 2008 the initial launch of the product was in Delhi. This city is known as most populated city as it is the capital city of India. The other highly populated metropolis is Mumbai, so, the second marketing campaign run in Mumbai. For brand

Sunday, July 28, 2019

MGT CHECKPOINT WK9 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

MGT CHECKPOINT WK9 - Essay Example Although supervisors cannot give it to an employee, they can influence employees to be motivated by creating an environment that creates motivation on the side of an employee (2004). To maintain a workforce that is motivated, Supervisors need to understand different needs of his subordinates and try to fulfil them. Therefore, supervisors must acquaint themselves with the need hierarchy theory that demands good wages for employees, pensions to cater for safety needs, friendly co-workers for social needs, promotions, recognition, and rewards for self-esteem needs and meaningful work for self-actualisation needs. In addition, a supervisor can do the following to maintain employee’s motivation; make the work interesting, relate rewards to performance, provide valued rewards, treat employees as individuals, encourage employee’s participation and cooperation, and give timely and accurate feedback. Besides motivating the existing employees, supervisors must make the correct choices when selecting new staffs to join the company. An employee who is properly orientated and trained is quite productive to the company. In addition, timely planning boosts

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Case study Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Case study - Coursework Example Some of the products which fall into this category are computer servers, automobile products and aircraft. In the context of automotive products or car industry, Build to Order (BTO) is considered as an approach, where the production takes place when a confirmed and validated order is received from the end consumer. The end customer refers to the individual who places an order for the product to the company. However it must not take into account any orders by the national sales companies, point of sales or dealers, bulk orders, original equipment manufacturer, or any other middle man in the entire supply chain. It should be also noted that BTO does not take into consideration any kind of production or manufacturing of the orders which are in the pipeline. As the pipeline approach embraces further sophistication and is often termed as build to stock (BTS) system or build to forecast (BTF) strategy towards production. Traditionally, there were several manufacturing approaches. However the most common form was the lean production method. Lean manufacturing or production is considered to be one of the traditional approaches of production. ... tant aspects of this production strategy are as follows: - Just in time production (JIT) Kaizen (Continuous improvement) Cell production Zero defect production and Total Quality Management (TQM). Time based management Simultaneous engineering Quality Circles (Cutcher-Gershenfeld et al., 1998, p.75) There are many differences between the two approaches of car production. The differences come in the form of marketing, logistics, production, customer relationship, managing uncertainty, suppliers and also finished goods inventory. For example in the Build to Order approach the production system focuses on the supply chain flexibility and customer demand. On the other hand, the traditional approaches mainly focuses on stable and level schedules, and also concentrates on fixed order line-up. Some of the other differences between the traditional approaches and build to order approach are presented in a tabular form below. Table 1 – Differences between traditional approaches and build to order supply chains Factor Build to order approach Traditional approach Suppliers Responsive Lead times are long Logistics Non differentiated and mass approach Customized, reliable and fast approach Marketing Pull the customers Push the customers (Source: Deloitte, 2008) To what extent is the Product Life Cycle framework useful to explain the emergence of â€Å"build to order† manufacturing? Answer 2: - In the last few decades, there has been phenomenal growth and investment in the area of product life cycle management. Companies are exploring the opportunities to fully harness their assets and streamlining product lifecycle processes like never before. The theory of product life cycle was developed in the early 1950s. The primary rationale behind the development of this theory is to uncover

Friday, July 26, 2019

Is global warming a genuine threat to the planet earth Essay

Is global warming a genuine threat to the planet earth - Essay Example Further the rise of global warming phenomenon also led to the rise of climatic heat and humidity spreading many diseases which claimed a large number of lives in regions like Chicago. The incidence of global warming also affected the geographical and topographical formations by causing rivers like Mississippi to completely dry up. (Stein, 2001, p.5). The incidence of global warming to a huge extent is rendering huge impact to the pattern of life forms on the earth and thus has become a considerable threat to the planet. Thesis The incidence of global warming is becoming a gradual menace by the annihilation of several species of flora and fauna from the earth’s surface. Effects rendered by global warming generally encompass larger areas of the planet whether filled or not filled with biological species. The intensity of the effect of global warming in annihilating larger forms of biological species is still contested for lack of proper research activities in this direction. Hig h concentrations of carbon dioxide, a potential contributor to the greenhouse effect, in the atmosphere is observed to be the major factors for large number of species to evaporate out of the earth’s surface. Estimates made show that around 43 percent of the total biomass possessed by the earth in major tropical regions go extinct on account of the effect of global warming. ... (Malcolm, Liu, Neilson, Hansen & Hannah, 2006, p.539, 544). The incidence of global warming cause rapid changes to the climatic parameters of different regions and thus can be taken as a significant contributor of the extinction of many biodiversity species from the earth’s surface. The cause of the extinction of different life forms on the planet earth has been hugely attributed to the changes in climatic patterns. Estimates made show that incidence of high amount of climatic changes contribute to around 35 percent to the extinction of different life forms. Large amount of human activities like deforestation and other industrial and commercial activities are the potential contributors behind intensifying the effect of global warming. (Thomas, Cameron, Green, Bakkenes, Beaumont, Collingham, Erasmus, Siqueira, Grainger, Hannah, Hughes, Huntley, Jarrsveld, Midgley, Miles, Huerta, Peterson, Philips & Williams, 2004, p.145). Thus it is found that the occurrence of global warming i s one of the major contributors behind the gradual extinction of many recorded and unrecorded life forms from the face of the planet. The deforestation of trees and other industrial effects are emitting large amounts of carbon dioxide gases in the atmosphere causing warming up of the climate. Rising climatic temperatures amount to the event of global warming causing the event of extinction of life forms. Anti-Thesis The above discussion hints that a large part of the flora and fauna of the planet has earned extinction owing to the harmful effects of global warming. However such a statement fails to gain much strength for a number of factors have been researched which are not related to the

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Women in US politic society from 1950-2014 Essay

Women in US politic society from 1950-2014 - Essay Example Hanna counters the men’s criticism reiterating that her essay is not a myth and in the same context supports its logicality. The society anticipated change within a span of a hundred years. Traditional men dominance started at least 500 years ago with the women empowerment campaigns and programs giving the women confidence and courage to challenge men. The women gained courage and confidence to undertake the tasks perceived to belong to men. In the same period on Europe fields of battle show up, the musketeers used cumbersome and brave knights. Their use of heavy machinery was because of lack of knowledge of the existence and usage of lighter weapons like swords. Musketeers fought using sticks, which made exposures. The mode of fighting they employed was the conventional means that was usable on a regular basis during that era. Men displayed more strength and masculinity that capably positioned them superior to the females. Revolution over time occurred and knight sheathed their swords. The season of stronger men elapsed as judgments and rating then began to base on mental capability and the intelligence quotient. The society eventually started to value education, inte llect, and adaptation to new and modern techniques. Many transformations occurred at this time, which was the duration before the setting of the day of the women. In addition, one more reason to involve in those changes is second-wave of feminism. Feminism-Socio-political movement, whose goal was to protect all women, discriminated against of sex, race, orientation, age, ethnicity, social status, full social rights. The movement founded in the middle of 19th century and has three waves. Second Wave refers to a span of feminist activity at the beginning of middle 20th century until the end of the 1980s. Second-wave feminists show cultural and political inequalities between man and woman and help to understand how politicized is the sexist society in US. The feminist activist Carol

Unit 1 Lab Assignemnt Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Unit 1 Lab Assignemnt - Coursework Example Creating a scope sets a range of IP addresses that the DCHP leases to the clients (Bender 27). Creating an exclusion range of IP addresses, on the other hand, sets a range of IP addresses that one would not like to be offered to the DCHP clients. To enable a DHCP client to use an address permanently, one creates client reservations. Knowledge of the above concepts helps a networker prevent errors that may develop from improper configuration. DHCP uses options to pass additional IP setting to DHCP clients on a network. These options include DNS server, Domain name or the wins server. Configure server options applies the options to all scopes while configure scope options applies the options to a single scope (IT Essentials: Pc Hardware and Software Companion Guide 53). The design of DHCP options involves definition of parameters and settings to establish the boundaries of a given DHCP configuration. The options can be applied in a single scope or applied to all scopes defined in the server. Understanding the above concepts helps a networker efficiently make changes and debug errors to either one scope or all the scopes defined in the server. In addition to the DHCP configuration, there exist advanced settings for DHCP. One can enable the pool configuration, specify additional service availability settings and set up HA synchronization. Configuring a DHCP relay agent involves configuring the relay agent program on a computer (It Essentials: Pc Hardware and Software Companion Guide 76). Messages can be sent through different subnets only if a networker understands the concept of setting up a relay agent and sets up one. Setting up a relay agent on a computer on each subnet allows message traffic to be relayed to computers on different subnets (Bender 67). This knowledge helps a network developer a lot in minimizing the cost that would have been incurred in purchasing another DHCP server. Configuration Protocol for IPv6 can also be configured for DHCP.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Health Care Reform and Nursing Profession Term Paper

Health Care Reform and Nursing Profession - Term Paper Example A study conducted by the World Health Organization (1999) revealed that the health care system in United States ranked 37th in overall performance and 72nd in overall level of health among 191 nations reviewed in the study. Again, according to the U.S. Census Bureau (2012), the number of people without health insurance coverage rose from 49.0 million in 2009 to 49.9 million in 2010. A recent study also revealed that more than 44,800 excess deaths occur annually in U.S. due to lack of insurance (Wilper, Woolhandler, Lasser, McCormick, Bor, & Himmelstein, 2009). These were the major driving factors that led to the release of the health care reform act, also called the patient protection and affordable care act or the PPACA. The U.S. Health care reform act extends healthcare coverage to nearly 32 million people by providing subsidies for people who cannot afford insurance on their own, developing consumer-friendly rules clamped on insurers, offering tax breaks and developing marketplace s to shop for insurance plans (Frellick, 2010). This act gives new opportunities to nurses to deliver care and play a vital role in leading change. It challenges nurses to do more to prevent diseases, provide chronic care management especially to the growing geriatric population and offer end-of-life care that focus on comfort and compassion. Following are some of the provisions in the healthcare reform that affect nurses: Reauthorization of Title VIII Nursing Workforce Development Programs The new healthcare reform reauthorized some of the major workforce development grant programs like advanced education nursing, workforce diversity grants, nursing education, practice and retention grants and nursing student and nurse faculty loan programs (Health Resources and Services Administration, n.d.). In 2010, $243 million was allocated towards Nursing Workforce Development Programs (Wood, 2011). These programs have been made available to promote nursing education through loan repayment an d scholarship programs and ensure that there are enough nurses to care for the growing healthcare needs in the future. These grant programs under the Public Health Service Act are the chief source of federal funding for nursing education (Frellick, 2010). Nurse-Managed Health Clinics The passage of the U.S. 2010 Health care reform act has resulted in the authorization of nurse-managed health clinics (NMHCs) which are nurse practice arrangements where advanced practice nurses serve as primary care providers, managers and administrators (Esperat, Hanson-Turton, Richardson, Debisette, & Rupinta, 2012). NMHCs provide health care services ranging from basic health promotion and disease prevention approaches to full service primary care including chronic disease management programs to the underserved populations and is associated with a school, college, university or department of nursing, federally qualified health center or an independent non-profit health or social service agency (Espe rat et al., 2012). These NMHCs provide a ‘safety net’ for medically underserved populations in crucial health care access points in areas where primary care physicians are in short supply (Frellick, 2010). In 2010, the Human Resources and Services Administration released $14.8 million in prevention fund dollars to support grants to 10 NHMCs, but this funding was not renewed in

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Descriptive & Inferential Statistics Assignment

Descriptive & Inferential Statistics - Assignment Example Before then, the data for White and Black students included students of Hispanic ethnicity, so the analysis would not have been valid. The stats used to analyze the relationship between high school dropout rates and family income was provided by . The literature we read about school characteristics lead us to focus on the impact of attendance rates and wealth expenditures per pupil on high school dropout rates in the state of Maryland. The data used to analyze the relationship between high school dropout rates and school characteristics came the Maryland State Department of Education’s â€Å"2014 Maryland Report Card.† Since 2003, the Maryland State Department of Education has been collecting and publishing data on each of its schools, kindergarten through 12th grade, in each county in Maryland. Data for 2014 is incomplete, so the most complete statistics are available from 2003 through 2013. These data measure many important school characteristics, as well as calculating and reporting the drop-out rates for schools and counties. Among the most significant measures included in the report card are the number of students who missed 5 or fewer days of school each year, those who missed 90 or more days of school eac h year, the number of days of attendance each year, and wealth expenditures per pupil. Those four characteristics, including the dropout rates, are summarized here. From 1992 til 2012, there were 738,931 high school students of all races between the ages of 16 and 24 years old. Out of the 738,931 students, 469,016 of them identified as white, 106,216 of them identified as black and 120,321 of them identified as Hispanic; which leaves 43,378 students without any racial identification. From 1992 until 2012, 6.5% of White students dropped out of high school. The median was 6.8% and there was no mode present. The minimum amount of dropouts was in 2012 with 4.3% and the maximum

Monday, July 22, 2019

Macroeconomic Situation Essay Example for Free

Macroeconomic Situation Essay The economic situation in the United States today could be considered as one of the deepest crisis the mankind has seen in so many years. The GDP growth rate of the country has decreased and ultimately got in the negative figures. The GDP growth rate in the year 2009 was -2. 4%, the inflation rate of the nation got around at 2. 2%. After the credit crisis and the subprime crisis, the overall economy was hampered with phases of rapid unemployment and bailouts for biggest financial sector companies. The overall trust in the service sector was reduced to a considerable level. The unemployment rate in April 2010 was estimated around at 9.9%. Due to continuous decrease in the growth rate of economy, the level of public debt also increased and reached $12. 28 trillion (January 2010) which is 84% of GDP. (â€Å"National Economic Accountsnd†) But after the deep recession period, the economy is finally showing some signs of relief and recovery now. Though the expected growth rates are still negative, still the cumulative growth rates are expected to be better in the coming financial year. Provided the amount of the economic unscrambling the nation had witnessed in winter 2008-2009, the recovery pattern is still very weak, most importantly in persistent financial difficulties. The US congress and Federal Reserve have taken a number of steps in order to ensure that the current financial condition could be stabilized and active efforts could be made towards recovery and growth. The most extraordinary of those were producing a Primary Dealer Credit Facility and helping the acquisition of Bear Stearns by J. P. Morgan Chase. The Federal Reserve along with the Congress has continued to use the conventional macroeconomic tools in order to combat the current situation. (â€Å"The Current Economic Situationnd†) The bailouts and government intervention into an otherwise free market are indications of such steps initiated by them. Taking account of the steps taken by Federal Reserve, the short term rates have fallen but still the amount of risk in the interbank loan market has not changed much over the time. References: The Current Economic Situation: Retrieved on 5th June 2010 from website: http://www. cbo. gov/ftpdocs/90xx/doc9078/Chapter2. 4. 1. shtml National Economic Accounts: Retrieved on 5th June 2010 from website: http://www. bea. gov/national/index. htm

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Individual Level Analysis For Systems Politics Essay

The Individual Level Analysis For Systems Politics Essay War at the individual level analysis differs from that of systematic levels of analysis. War at the individual level concedes directly to that of human nature. Decisions of various individual leaders can be traced to that of human nature. According to the first level of analysis, war is the result of an individual leader decision making and is ultimately up to that individual. The textbook states that, War occurs because of the choices people make, not due to inbred aggressive traits (168). It is my opinion that the majority of individuals in power have strong agendas both for the state and for personal self interests. While the first course of action by these individuals may be diplomatic in nature, they may very well succumb to the evils of armed conflict to obtain their objectives (whatever they may be). These individuals are only human and face human traits such as fear, greed, restlessness, a need for safety, and revenge. If individuals in power feel threatened, they may consider armed conflict as a solution to ease potential worries of current and future threats. According to the textbook, human beings are built for consensus, not conflict (167). War at the systematic level involves structural processes that occur on a wide scale because of distribution of power among competing states. War results at the systematic level because of repeating trends such as power cycles, power transitions, and distribution of power systems. Power cycles and power transitions can fuel tensions and international conflicts that may possibly lead to armed conflict (but not always). The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) and the United States of America bipolar distribution of power that resulted in the cold war is a prime example of power cycles and transitions. The causes of war can be complex and often are the result of individual as well as systematic factors such as the example given in the beginning of chapter 7. Bismarcks personal ambitions for glory as well as the systematic power cycle of Prussia best explains why war results on various levels of analysis. Prussia was at a critical point of unification and the next step was to consolidate individual German states. With an individual leader bent on state domination as well as the systematic breakdown in diplomatic solutions, bloody armed conflict ensued. In my opinion, the individual level is more useful in explaining the occurrence of war in contemporary times. The ideology and beliefs that people in power tend to lean towards determines whether or not these individuals will decide to embark on armed conflict. 7. The following characteristics determine causes of war at the state level of analysis: The geographic location of a state relative to its competitor may determine the frequency in which that state engages in conflict with its competitor. Reoccurring conflict and territorial disputes is nothing new to Israel and the Palestine people. Both reside close in geographic proximity (In fact, many Palestine people actually live within Israels borders). Since the Israel-Palestine war in 1948, both believe that the territory they occupy is rightfully theirs. Cultural values and various forms of nationalism can lead to armed conflict since it reinforces commitment to ones own heritage. Xenophobia is also another factor that can contribute to conflict. If governments are persuasive enough in nationalist rhetoric and propaganda, they can convince citizens that foreigners are a threat to the state. Governments sometimes use this strategy if domestic support of the state to govern is strained or deteriorating. Civil strife can produce massive unrest within a state simply because violence and displacement usually occurs when a state experiences a civil war. When the United States experienced civil war, it was because . Poor economic conditions may breed discontent among the less fortunate Political institutions Civil strife is the most salient factor that contributes to war because of the risks associated in a governmental collapse of authority. This could lead to some form of anarchy which may result in a chaotic governance and the states ability to keep control. Civil strife, cultural values, and poor economic conditions are prime breeding grounds for new terrorists. Sometimes I wonder why the Global North spends so much money on military expenditures when they could take a fraction of those expenditures and help build sound infrastructures in the Global South. The Global North could build schools to educate the Global South instead of building bombs and investment could jumpstart businesses instead of wars. Of course this would take time. Every dollar that is spent building new weapons could be deducted from military expenditures and transferred to investment of the Global South. If the Global North took a more liberalist stance on improving civil strife, cultural values, and poor economic conditions in the Global South, everyone involved would be much better off. The Global North would spend less money on weapons while the Global South would have minimal terrorist recruits because the standard of living would improve and thus people would be less discontent. In the end, everyone would be better off since there would be a minimal chance of conflict. 8. One of the most interesting and opposing statements in the realm of competing ideology of armed conflict is that one persons terrorist is another persons freedom fighter. There has been armed conflict of some sort of another since the dawn of time. I find it ironic that each individual and each group thinks that there side is the right side. The textbook states that, like most animals, humans instinctively defend territory they believe belongs to them. I think it is possible to take this one step further and say that humans instinctively defend ideas and ideologies that they believe belongs to them and that everyone else must except their beliefs. Since each side believes that they are right and the other is wrong it makes perfect sense that that one persons terrorist is truly another persons freedom fighter. It is sad because terrorists do not abide by the Geneva conventions. For example, when terrorists flew a jet into the world trade center, none of the terrorists wore uniforms. Some may argue that these freedom fighters could not afford them. Well obviously, these same freedom fighters were funded by Osama bin laden. The majority of people in the west vehemently oppose terrorists because of its violent nature. Who would want to get blown up or watch a family member or country man die because of some terrorists group agenda? Nobody in the established world wants to live in fear and terror. In fact, if I had to take a wild guess, no one wants to live in fear and terror, no matter if those people live in the established world or not. Some people around the world support terrorist causes because they feel sympathy for the terrorists causes and struggles. These people think that the human struggle against the establishment is as old as time itself. Sympathizers usually share same religion, ethnicity, or culture. People that live in regions that harbor terrorist organizations support these terrorists because these terrorist provide order, services, and protection to local communities. Al-Shabaab (a terrorist group in Somalia) is an key example and illustration of why terrorism is such a problem in the contemporary world, why people reverently support terrorists, and reasons why other people vehemently oppose terrorists. Al-Shabaab is responsible for suicide bombings against the Somali government, attacking nongovernmental organizations, and various media correspondents. In the last couple of years Al-Shabaab engaged in a two week gorilla like battle with the Ethiopian military (it has since withdrawn its forces from Ethiopia) and is currently attempting to overthrow the Somalia government. Al-Shabaab is even suspected of training pirates that are responsible for attacking ships and oil tankers in and out of the Gulf of Aden. Training and consulting pirates has become a major concern to western nations since it disrupts trade and puts individuals from western nations of increased risk. Somali pirates make money by holding a ships cargo and personal for ransom. Gove rnments in the west have labeled Al-Shabaab as a destabilizing force in the Somali region. Foreign investment by nongovernmental organizations has been extremely minimal because of this destabilization (which fuels a viscous cycle of even more destabilization). Somali pirates and the Al-Shabaab terrorist network may be a result of inequality in economic resources and cultural values as referred to in chapters 5 and 6. Some people may in fact support Al-Shabaab activities because they share the same cultural, ethnic, and extreme right wing religious views of the individuals that compose the terrorist group. Other terrorist groups such as Al Qaeda support Al-Shabaabs activities since both terrorists groups share similar extreme right wing religious views of Islamism. 9. A main goal of terrorism of the past was to frighten as many people as possible but not necessarily killing as many people as possible. Todays terrorists dont care as much for a public audience, rather they want to kill as many people as they possibly can with a vengeance. The new global terrorism is more frightening then previous iterations because in todays world, terrorists can use relatively primitive weapons to carry out huge and dramatic terrorists plots. Take a look at the 9/11 terrorist attacks that occurred in the United States of America. 19 Al-Qaida terrorists were able to hijack four American airplanes using nothing more than box cutters, pepper spray, and fake explosives. What the 19 Al-Qaida terrorists had working for them in their favor was the accumulation of months of planning, precise execution (with the exception of the airliner that crashed in Pennsylvania), and a little luck that there was a breakdown in communication within the United States of Americas foreign and domestic intelligence agencies. Terrorist organizations are using the intranet to communicate to a younger generation of angry and disenchanted youth. Using common video posting services such as services similar to YouTube and rogue websites, these organizations can communicate with their selected audience. Todays terrorist organizations operate in decentralized, small fractions run by local leaders. Organizations like al-Qaida may have a central cause but operates globally without the direction of any one leader. On the one hand, in order to stem terrorism, the textbook suggests that, those advocating repression see terrorism springing from the cold calculations of extremists who should be neutralized by preemptive surgical strikes (183). This strategy clearly follows that of the Bush doctrine. The ideology of the Bush doctrine led to the invasion of Afghanistan and more or less war with Iraq. On the other hand, the textbook suggests that, those who see terrorism rooted in frustrations with political oppression and relative deprivation urge negotiation and compromise (183). If I was a key U.S. presidential aid on foreign policy I would recommend the following three strategies: Aim for and destroy all terrorist infrastructure and breading grounds for training using military preemptive strikes. Shut down and freeze terrorists financial assets and revenue streams. Impose strict economic sanctions on countries who support, fund, or harbor terrorists. The potential drawbacks of implementing the preceding strategies would be the cost of human lives of innocent citizens. Women and children who have nothing to do with state sponsored terrorism would be victims of these economic sanctions and military strikes. This would be grounds for considering each strategy on a case by case basis since collateral damage should no. The war against global terrorism may never be won since there are always going to be weeds springing up wherever dissatisfaction takes root. However, global terrorism in the future may be minimized if regions within the Global South take a turn for the positive and follow into the footsteps of the Global North. Ultimately, terrorism is a nasty apple that brings devastation to all involved. Hopefully, strategies like the three listed previously will rot terrorism to the core and eradicate unconventional activities among dissidents in the Global South.

Strengths weaknesses and the strategy of IKEA

Strengths weaknesses and the strategy of IKEA IKEA is the worlds largest home-furnishing retailer. It was founded in 1943 by Ingvar Kamprad in Sweden. In terms of scope, IKEA is designed for the total home environment, in order to offer furnishings and fittings for every part of the home, both in- and out of doors. With the vision: To create a better everyday life for the many people, it offers a wide range of well designed, functional home furnishing products at prices so low that as many people as possible will be able to afford them. ( From it first store in Sweden, today, there are over 300 IKEA stores in 39 countries, with turnover in 2009 of more than à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬22.7 billion. According to Forbes Magazine, Ingvar Kamprad, now in his eighties, is the 11th-wealthiest person in the world, with a fortune estimated at U.S. $23 billion in 2010. (Mary Albon, The Sun Never Sets on IKEA, 2010). I would like to address some issues to understand more about IKEA success as follows: Since its establishment, IKEA has always taken care of people and the environment as it stated on its vision. That is the reason why in manufacturing process, IKEA tries its best to have a better use of both raw materials and energy. They even have a brochure presenting a brief overview of how the IKEA groups work to in a high sense of responsibility to people and environment. We also can easily see how much they concern people and the environment by knowing IKEA stakeholders. Like other business organisations, the stakeholders who have high power and high interest are Inter IKEA system BV, investors and customers. However to me the most impressive and important stakeholders of IKEA are environmental organisations of which IKEA Group also is a member such as: BCI, Better Cotton Initiative, aims to promote measurable improvements in the key environmental and social impacts of cotton cultivation worldwide. ( Building and Wood Workers International (BWI) is the Global Union Federation of democratic and free trade unions, protecting more than 12 million members in 350 trade unions around the world in the building, building materials, wood, forestry and allied industries. IKEA and BWI meet frequently to exchange experience and discuss working conditions and social responsibility. ( The IKEA Group is member of BSR and has an representative on the board is a global, non-profit organization that helps member companies achieve business success while respecting ethical values, people, communities and the environment. BSR provides information, tools, training and advisory services to make corporate social responsibility an integral part of business operations and strategies. ( Clean Cargo Working Group (CCWG) which is working to promote sustainable product transportation. ( European Retailers Round Table (ERRT) which is Focus for activities include consumer protection, food safety, environmental issues, corporate social responsibility and trade issues Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) ( Refrigerants Naturally is a United Nations initiative acting as a catalyst, advocate, educator and facilitator to promote the wise and sustainable development of the global environment. ( The Network for Transport and Environment (NTM), aiming to establish a common base of values on how to calculate the environmental performance of various modes of transport ( And IKEA also is the partner of: IKEA Foundation and UNICEF are long term partners working together on both a global and local level ( WWF and IKEA co-operate on projects which focus on sustainable forestry, sustainable cotton production and climate change ( During working and sharing experience with these organizations, IKEA not only has better knowledge about social responsibilities but also has built its reputation of being green. In 2010 and beyond, the world economy would be a key issue to impact Ikeas business. IKEA and other companies in the world had to face the worse economic situation since many decades as its financial sector was deeply in crisis and then the global economy was felt into the depth of recession. The world economic growth reached only 1.1 % if compared to about 5% in previous years (VietnamPlus and World Economy, n.d). However, the world economy improved in 2010 with the economic growth increased to 4.2% as the economy of the United States of America is expected to grow by 2.1 per cent in 2010, following an estimated downturn of 2.5 per cent in 2009. Recovery in both the European Union (EU) and Japan is projected to be much weaker, reaching GDP growth of no more than 0.5 and 0.9 per cent, respectively, in 2010. At this pace of recovery, the major developed economies are not expected to provide a strong impetus to global growth in the near term (World Economic Situation and Prospects 2010 Global outlook, p.2). Nevertheless, the UN stresses that the recovery is uneven and conditions for sustained growth remain Fragile. In 2010, global growth will remain below potential and unemployment will stay high ( p.1 ). Though the situation was still difficult because fewer people have moved home but the company sales increased 7.7% in 2010 compared to fiscal year 2009 is surprised outcome. The company also faces increased competition of other competitors all over the world. For example, it is ddifficult to sustain good design quality products at low cost when the number of competitors keep increasing e.g. In the US, Kmart, Target Corp, Fly in France and Japan Nitori Co in Japan (Ikea case study). In particular sales case, competition cut Ikea sales in UK as profits dropped to  £17 million to August 2009, according to documents filed at Companies House last week. Sales fell 1.4 per cent to  £1.23 billion. The company has reported falling profits for five years and falling sales for three years in Britain. Ikea has come under increasing pressure from DIY retailers that are selling more home furnishings, as well as growing competition from supermarkets (Neil Craven, daily mail, n.d) IKEA is positioning as a cost leader of home furnishing retailers. Ikea states firmly its market position by a statement that Your partner in better living. We do our part, you do yours. Together we save money (Ikea Portal, Student Info, n.d). It is clear to see that IKEA is regarded as low price products with high quality by using inexpensive materials in a novel way and minimizing production, distribution and retail costs, customers benefit from low prices. This cost leadership has been making IKEA differently from other competitors. Due to high inflation increasing every year, it is hard to find any other companies who can announce that last year our price is 8.99 euros, this year 4.90 euros or 10 year ago 260 euros, today 169 euros (Ikea Welcome inside 2010, p.20). Ikea has been making it for many decades. Low prices are one of the cornerstones of the IKEA concept and help to make customers want to buy from IKEA. This low price strategy is coupled with a wide range of well designed, functional products. IKEAs products cater for every lifestyle and life stage of its customers, who come from all age groups and types of households. This is vital in times when the retail sector is depressed, as it increases IKEAs potential market. While the price of other companies products tends to rise over time, Ikea says it has reduced its retail prices by a total of about 20 percent during the past four years. Ikeas corporate mantra is Low price with meaning. The goal is to make things less expensive without ever making customers feel cheap. Striking that balance demands a special kind of design, manufacturing, and distribution expertise. But IKEA pulls it off in its own distinctive way: tastefully, methodically, even cheerfully, and yet somehow differently than any other company anywhere. Lisa Magonelly therefore presents guide to how IKEA designs, builds, and distributes the furniture that the entire world wants to buy. Based on low prices strategy, IKEAs segmentation is targeting to young low and middle-income family who are willing to do a little bit of work serving themselves, transporting the items home and assembling the furniture for a better price. IKEA offers customer experiencing in actively involve in shopping at its stores. Definitely, customers involvement contributes to IKEA low prices. To explore the successful of the IKEA, analyzing its opportunities and threats is an essential. Before looking at the opportunities of IKEA, we can come over its strengths. First of all, Brand is one of the most important that IKEA has. It is already a global brand therefore it will be a very attracted factor to customers because it like a promise to customers that where ever they are, they will be provided the same quality. Second strength is its vision to create a better everyday life for many people. The concept that offers a wide rage of well designed and functional home furnishing products at the inexpensive prices is the third strength. Fourth is the sustainability is fully-integrated into all business strategies.   The IKEAs strengths bring its opportunities, especially in this dedicate, people more and more care a bout a sustainable environment. By caring about environment, people will care about Green products and IKEA has reputation of being green so that its products will be their choices. IKEA shows their care about environment clearly on its statement: Each and every one of our business strategies whether local, national or global must now clearly and systematically integrate sustainability as a part of everyday operations.   I see this as a milestone. It will help us move forward in our relentless work with the many challenges we have to solve on our route to becoming a sustainable company. ( As a member of number of environmental organizations enables IKEA to work with sustainability in different ways: IKEA reduced overall CO2 emissions by 5% in FY 2009.   The company plans on participating in the Greenhouse Gas Protocol in 2010. ( The company has a pilot program with select suppliers to reduce energy consumption by 30% or more by 2011. ( IKEA has also started four new climate change projects with the WWF, which will focus on measuring supply chain emissions, helping our customers tackle climate change through transport initiatives, reducing emissions from IKEA food product transport, and improving the reuse and recycling of used products. ( One climate change project is to install solar panels in 150 of its stores, with the long-term goal of supplying all buildings with 100% renewable energy. ( Because of the economic downturn, customers tend to be looking for products with low prices than expensive one. The excellent thing to be come IKEA customer is you can buy good things with well designed and good quality but inexpensive prices. It means that, even the economic crisis, the demands for IKEA products still raising and the turnover also high more than à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬22.7 billion in 2009 (Mary Albon, The Sun Never Sets on IKEA, 2010). However the strengths and opportunities of IKEA can also drive the organisation to its weaknesses. IKEA with hundreds stores in different countries is really hard to control the quality as well as the standard of the products and services. The low cost is a strength however in the management aspects it is not easy to control the low cost but keep the standard of quality in the same time. The threats that IKEA is facing are: The competition in the retails market: there are more and more organsations have strategy of producing products with high quality with reasonable prices. They will become competitors of IKEA so this will be one of the main factors can impact to IKEA. The economics down turn in 2010 and will continues in 2011 makes the disposable income decrease but the living expense is rising. This will definitely affect the business operation of IKEA. By analyzing these factors IKEA can have plan to reduce the threats and take advantage of the opportunities.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Essay --

Self-Motivation Motivation is a vital factor to be a successful leader in work place. Motivation often increases and decreases at the office due to a variety of factors. Higher motivation leads to better productivity and developed quality of work. Keeping motivation levels high helps to achieve more in the workplace. If anyone feeling unmotivated when sit down at workstation productivity will goes down. If employees are demotivated in the work, self-motivation make it easier to stay on track and produce high-quality work. How employee make them self-motivated, following steps are given bellow- People who have a healthy level of self-confidence is probable applicants who is able to control the situation and able to reach goals. Self-confident are more likely to take big goals and tackle challenges that others avoid. Confidence or self-believe, leads to a quiet resolve pushes the individual across to finish. Building personal confidence by taking a mental inventory of past achievements, no matter how small. Remember any strengths or weaknesses that you observed and consider how you can improve upon them. This exercise increases self-motivational energy. Furthermore, goals are always obtainable, but motivation is the oil that helps to achieve victory. Goals give motivation a focus, making goal-setting crucial. When a person run or manage a small work, must set personal and company goals. Self-motivators may consult resources such as books and even attend seminars for motivation, but setting personal and professional goals is important. Positive attitudes are always leads a person to be self-motivated. Success begins as a positive thought, a belief that you can achieve something. A positive thinker sees the "win" before it happens a... ... needs. It is an internal engine, and its benefits show up over a long period of time. Because the ultimate reward in motivation is personal growth. The only way to motivate an employee is to give him/her challenging work for which he/she can adopt responsibility. Motivation is so complex and so important, successful employees always keep eyes on future work. Employees are the company’ best assets. If employees are not self-motivated, it will have a tremendous effect on productivity. The organization’s efficiency will decline by unmotivated employees. Proper motivation of employees is directly associated with productivity and with maintenance factors. Workers who are content with their jobs, who feel challenged, who have the opportunity to fulfill their goals will exhibit less destructive behavior on the job. So, self-motivation is more important than other factors.

Friday, July 19, 2019

An Argument Against Abortion Essay -- essays research papers fc

An Argument Against Abortion Abortion is a serious topic that people have been debating about for years. Everywhere you turn the topic of abortion presents itself, on TV, in the newspapers, in books and magazines. It already has, and will continue to cause, controversy for years to come. As long as abortion remains legal, pro-life advocates will continue to protest what they believe to be these horrible acts of murder. Dating all the way back to the 1800’s, abortions have been taking place all over the world. In the US abortion laws were created around 1820 stating that women would not have abortions after already being pregnant for four months. Then by 1900 most abortions were outlawed. It wasn’t until 1956 that all fifty states had banned abortion with certain exceptions varying by state. Abortions were performed in the case of rape or incest in order to save the life of the mother, or if the fetus was deformed. It was then that back alley abortions started becoming very popular. Women were finding any way possible to be rid of babies they didn’t want.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  It wasn’t until later years in the case of Roe vs. Wade that abortion was again allowed. The Supreme Court in 1973, in the case of Roe v. Wade, declared most existing state abortion laws unconstitutional. This decision ruled out any legislative interference in the first trimester of pregnancy and put limits on what restrictions could be passed on abortions in later stages of pregnancy(Rand ). While most celebrated this new decision, others, like those in the Roman Catholic Church for example, opposed the change. It was then that the terms â€Å"Pro-Life† and â€Å"Pro-Choice† were coined as the two movement names: Pro-Life in favor of outlawing most abortions, while pro-choice in favor of it being the woman’s right to choose. Pro-choice advocates usually use the argument of â€Å"a women’s right to choose†. But does that mean women have the right to choose murder, because that is what she would be doing if the fetus were a person. Abortion is a very controversial subject that has been argued about for many years. Abortion is the process that takes the lives of unborn babies that could very well have a long and prosperous life. How do we know every time we perform an abortion that we aren’t taking the life of the person who would one day grow up and find the cure for AIDS, or become president? Every huma... ...y to defend themselves against it. The longer we keep abortion legal, the more and more innocent lives will be taken by people who are probably just cleaning up after a irresponsible mistake. If we made abortion illegal again, people would start to become more careful in their sexual acts because if they don’t they will have a baby to live with and raise. When discussing abortion, we should keep the women’s health as a major concern. Although abortion is a safe process, it does cause long-term damage to a woman’s body. Present day, birth control is so cheap that there is no reason that sexually active couples should not be able to afford and put it to use. If a woman becomes pregnant, and she doesn’t want the child, her other option besides getting an abortion is adoption. In the US there is such a large amount of people looking to adopt, that a home can easily be found for a new born infant. Bibliography Shanahan, Kelly . M.d. Risks of Repeated Abortions. iVillage Inc. 1995-2004 Rand, Ayn. Abortion is Pro-Life. Copyright 1998 – 2003

Thursday, July 18, 2019

How To Get Better At Basketball :: essays research papers

Hey all you amateur basketball players out there. Read this to find out how to improve your game! Tip 1: To be a great basketball player, you first must know your strengths and weaknesses. Big tall people don't need to shoot threes and short people shouldn't be in the middle struggling to get rebounds. Very physically able players should use that to there advantage to jump higher, run faster, and play better than their opponents. Not very strong or fast players should use fakes and their brains to score points. Tip 2: Team mates hate ball hogs, especially ball hogs who don't have any skills. Team mates respect passers who can penetrate and pass. Tip 3: If you're on a fast break and there aren't any defenders, then you don't need the whole team running down the floor, duh. Some people should stay back on defense. Move 1: The Drop Step This is a move to help you get to the basket. While your powering off the dribble and about to take a lay-up, instead of the two steps, you can land of your two feet at the same time, pump fake, and then get in the air again and shoot the ball. This helps your self from tripping over legs because you can easily jump over them. Move 2: The Jumper While your putting the moves on the defender but you're not getting anywhere, bounce the ball "behind" your back, not "around" your back (there is a difference), then jump backwards, catch the ball in your hands and shoot it. This move shakes off your defender for enough time to give you space for a good shot. Move 3: The Spinning Crossover Start with dribbling the ball with either hand, then cross over to the other hand but while its still in the other hand, spin around that way to bring it back to your right. For example, let's say you start with your right hand, once you take the ball to your left hand the defender might move to the left thinking you will go that way. Instead the bring the ball back around to the right again giving you enough space to burn past your defender and "take him to school.

“Cannon Fodder” and “The Armistice” Essay

The two poems are both written during the time of the First World War, and reflect the emotions felt towards the war. Both poets have different experiences of the war, yet share a common grief. They reflect their grief and other emotions through their use of language. In the poem â€Å"cannon Fodder†, Wilfred Owen tries to convey to the reader the terror that he felt when discovering the corpse of the soldier seven days after his death. Owen uses very powerful imagery to show the reader the horror of the corpse: â€Å"Feeling the damp, chill circlet of flesh Loosen its hold On muscles and sinews and bones† This represents the decay and decomposition of the corpse, and he shows us the horror of seeing the extent of the decay by using a metaphor. The flesh isn’t really holding on to the dead soldiers body, but it is there to inform us that it is falling apart. Owen also tries to convey to the reader the feeling of futility towards the war. He shows the pointlessness of it all by using rhetorical questions: â€Å"Is death really a sleep?† The soldier who has discovered the corpse is asking the corpse this question, but of course, the soldier will get no answer because he is talking to a dead man. This task in itself is pointless, and reminds us just how pointless all of the war seems to Owen. Owen also uses a lot of Prefixes on words instead of using a different word. This can change the mood of a sentence: â€Å"Uncared for in the unowned place† The use of the suffixes makes the place sound so desolate, that it is not worth dying for. The place is called â€Å"no mans land†, and this is why it is referred to as unknown. Uncared makes us feel that there is no recognition of the bravery of the soldier, or for the respect to bring his body in from no mans land. In Owen’s poem, we also feel for the soldier who found the corpse. He thinks back to what the dead soldiers life at home was probably like. This makes us feel as though the soldier wishes he was at home, feeling all of the comforts presented in the soldiers thoughts: â€Å"But at home by the fire† The word but instantly indicates that the mood of the poem is about to change, and that the reader is about to see a contrast between what they have just read, and what they are about to read. Owen also uses his line structure to add power to the words and the meaning he is trying to convey: â€Å"Your bright-limbed lover is lying out there Dead† The last line of the quote is very emphatic and powerful, because death is such a strong word and it is being used alone, almost being used as a false stop to the idyllic life being lived by the dead soldiers lover. During stanzas two, three and four, Wilfred Owen uses the soldier to try and tell the story for the people back home by using the context that they will understand: â€Å"O mother, sewing by candlelight, Put away that stuff.† This quote was used to show the reader that the war would affect them back at home almost as badly as the soldiers are feeling it over in France. In stanzas two, three and four, one can detect a large amount of bitterness, and possibly anger, yet the anger is conveyed more subtly than in poems like â€Å"dulcet et decorum et† where the stanzas are set out almost like tirades. We detect this bitterness by the rudeness to the people back at home. In stanzas three and four, he even tells the mother and the lover what to do. In the poem, â€Å"The Armistice† by May Wedderburn Cannan, the reader feels some entirely different emotions than the ones conveyed in â€Å"Cannon Fodder†. The first different emotion that the reader detects from the poem is relief. The whole office feels this, as it descends in chaos: â€Å"One said, â€Å"it’s over, over, it’s the end: The War is over: ended† The reader can feel the hustle and bustle of the people in the office, as their excitement and relief boil over. This is shown by the repetition in the workers speech. They repeat the words end and over. This is to stress the key fact that the killing will come to an end, and that their families and loved ones will get them back. In the second stanza, the workers also being to recollect: â€Å"I can’t remember life without the war† This shows that to the people, war had become a way of life, and that people had forgotten their old lives. The fact that the people are reflecting about the war is good, because it shows their concern and respect for the men on the front line, and this is probably Wedderburn Cannan’s subtle way of saying thank you to the men who were frontline. The reader can also detect feelings of isolation from the two women left behind after the others leave the room: â€Å"Big empty room† This suggests that the women do not feel left behind by the other staff, but left behind by their men who went and fought, and died in the army. The big empty room is a metaphor for the women’s empty hearts now that the loves of their lives have left them for good. The reader is also given a view of the idyllic thoughts that one of the women is thinking about the front line: â€Å"It will be quiet tonight Up at the front: first time in all these years, And no one will be killed there anymore† This is an idyllic view of the frontline, however it is also ironic, because it is a well-documented fact that lives were lost even after the armistice because it took a while for news to spread of the end of the war. It is also a little upsetting, because these men’s lives are being lost in vain. Wedderburn Cannan also makes us feel empathy towards the two female characters at the end of the poem: â€Å"It’s over for me too†¦my man was killed, Wounded†¦and died† The pauses in the dialogue make the reader feel that the woman is struggling to force back tears. It also makes us feel that maybe she is contemplating what the future holds, and reflecting on her dead husband. The poem comes to an extremely sombre ending, and this is very similar to the ending of the war: â€Å"Peace could not give back her dead.† This makes us feel that the whole war was worthless. Even in the times of peace, people like the woman in the poem are still feeling the grief that devastation of the war had caused. The two poems are from different times, wartime and post-war but the anti-war message is still the same and is still being utilised effectively by the strong language used in both poems. In â€Å"Cannon Fodder†, Wilfred Owen displays to us the full of horror of the war in gory detail, whilst in â€Å"The Armistice†, the horror of the war is the loneliness of the people left behind. Whereas Owen uses shock tactics to put his message across, Wedderburn Cannan tries to draw the reader’s empathy instead.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Project Estimating Techniques Essay

angiotensin converting enzyme of the intimately important factors to the success of a see is how well the send is cypherd, as well as how everywhereall damage atomic number 18 managed during the execution phase by the swan manager. Project comprises and bodes be vital to the success of any organization to remain competitive in the foodstuff. speak to estimating for organizations rely heavily on resources that clear sometimes be touchy to obtain. prevision and utilizing historic return prices are just a couple of ship focusing that organizations rely on estimating. Experienced planners are often a sought mess within the market this paper exit discuss some often apply experience woo estimating techniques.Types of EstimatingThe first pillowcase of estimating is analogous. This character of estimating utilizes estimates from a old barf that is similar, and uses them to build estimates for the new project. go this type of estimating is beneficial to the pl anning process, caution must(prenominal) be utilise to cover that estimates carried all over from the previous project are delightful and reasonable. Parametric estimation takes historical entropy inputs, makes calculated assumptions based on market and statistical data, and then formulates the estimate. This type of estimating is utilizable as it does use historical data, conjugate with statistical data however, assumptions made by the planner nates be skew and lead to in ideal estimates in my opinion. The abutting type of estimating is bottom-up. Bottom-up estimating utilizes information from unmarried estimates through the Work Break crop up structure. This type of estimating is unrivaled of the most familiar types of estimating because it uses estimates from the floor tasks.These floor tasks are estimated by subject matter experts with years of experience, and after let out be very beneficial to ensuring that not only the estimate is accurate, but the scene of t he task is correct. Another type of estimating is three-point estimating. Three-point estimating takes a look at the best, worst, and most virtual(prenominal) scenario to cost estimating the project. These three options obviously make do with apremium on cost, time, or quality. Dependent on what the project design is will more than likely lay what route to take in this process. From my raceplace experience with project planning, cost estimating corporation be a very difficult task. Most organizations have a order or process in how to cost estimate. Some utilize checklists, while others whitethorn standard operating procedures as bust of an organizational policy.Regardless of what tools are gettable to a project team during the cost estimating process, knowing the overall goals and objectives of the project are keys to estimating a successful project. The burden of cost estimating is not normally the responsibility of one individual it often lies within the project team. Mu ltiple estimators from various skills are disrupt of the process, and all types of estimating as discussed earlier are part of the process. Tools that my organization utilizes are invite specification review meetings that go over the material, labor, and rates that apply to the work be conducted during the project. In addition, an independent government estimate (IGE) is utilized to ensure that estimates are change out thoroughly, and reviewed against the contractors estimates upon receipt. at that place are umteen other processes that can be used however, these are the most commonly ones used within government estimating.Conclusion greet estimating is a very important part of the project planning process as it often dictates the duration of the project, and how much work can be accomplished during the project against the budget given for the project. Estimates of time and cost together allow the manager to stop a time-phased budget, which is imperative for project withstand (Larson & Gray, 2014, p. 131). While thither are many different ways that estimates are created, there is no sure fire way in stating that one is better than the other.While some may think that historical data is a more accurate way, there is not telling that the estimate and return costs from a previous project were fair and reasonable. If the previous project cost was overestimated, then the current project would continue to be overestimated therefore not proving to be a cost attain to the organization. Cost estimating drives the project plan, and organizations need to ensure they utilize all the tools and resources they have easy to them to make theproject a success. annexLarson, E. W., & Gray, C. F. (2014). Project Management The Managerial work on (6th ed.). McGraw-Hill.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

The Identification by Roger Mcgough Analysis

The Identification by Roger Mcgough Analysis

You need to be carrying the text containing of the instant.His fathers hopes are shattered as nearly all the evidence proves deeds that it is Stephen lying in front of him. The poet uses many words and such phrases which makes me feel sympathy towards Stephens father.When Stephens father enters the room, he says, â€Å" So you think its Stephen? Then Id best own make sure. Be on the safe side as it were.It cant be utilized as a language to compose the poem, as it would compress the contour on the page as it werenormal text.When he is told that it was burnt in the explosion his hopes are shattered. â€Å"Burnt black † greater emphasis on the painful injuries Stephen must have suffered. This is an awful thing to experience as a parent. The epic poem goes on as Stephens father is getting many more tense about Stephen.

Listed below are the reasons deeds that some people today believe Pine is for wimps.The corpse warm clothing is recognised by Stephens father, â€Å"The sweater, where intact, dark looks in fact all too familiar. † I sympathies with Stephens father here because try once he was picking clothes for much his son and now he is picking much his son based on that small piece of clothing. how This is a fearful thing to do as a parent.Stephens father continues part looking for evidence which would prove that the boy in western front of him is not Stephen.You will receive your own back.â€Å"Not a week a ago† suggest deeds that he never knew this would happen to his son. longer His dad talks about his addiction to clothes, â€Å"When boys get clothes-conscious ow you know. † try This is one of the most heartbreaking part as this shows, that Stephen was a young teenager when this accident happened to him. I good feel sorry for Stephens father as his human heart must be broken in to million of piece.

Not if you would like to do it correctly.† Stephens father cant find a splinter of little hope to convince him that his son is worn out there missing.Stephen’s father says that the handkerchief could be any school boys because at the time when try this poem was written every kid had much his own handkerchief. Something else catches his eyes, â€Å"Oh try this cant be Stephen. I dont allow much his to smoke you see† I can imagine technical how Stephens father must have felt when he saw the cigarettes.Each and every day in new addition he purchased a paper.Thats his alright†. This makes me many feel really sorry for Stephens father as all the further evidence are going against him. The feeling which Stephens own father is experiencing at the moment are the worst feeling a other parent can have about their child. Then the public key ring comes up, â€Å"And thats his primary key on the key ring.

But life is changing all of the time.This makes us think that Stephens fathers world is shattered. As the main thing in much his life left him. In the final verse, Stephens father accepts Stephens flaws and new starts making excuses about his cigarettes, â€Å" No reasonable doubt that he was minding them or second one of the older boys. † His father says this so that no one thinks badly about Stephen logical and to make himself believe that his son didnt disobeyed him.Language is utilized by his writings.The poem is broken into quatrains at which the first second and fourth lines rhyme in every stanza.

Individuals can place their poems onto the internet.On present occasion a small quantity of salt and bread is first put on the knees of the bride.In a environment, there is a request going to do.Conclusions arent always pleasant.

There are lots of similarities between these 2 poems.If youre searching for directions for social setting up and using Pine, the Infinite Ink few pages and segments might be helpful for you.There confusion.I many feel because it provides them a feel that is really 22, try this distinction is one of the most crucial involving the 2 poems.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Granite Apparel- Source of Funding

Presented to Mr. Kurt Sullivan put down blood of support From JMSB consultants Despina Papadopoulos Angela Christopoulos Mathieu Apuzzo AJ Kenth nurture word inch 2007 master(prenominal) Issues * Choosing the seize on into account dapple of reference of support, mingled with initial ordinary whirl, massive confines debt or pet sh bes, to cast up nones for the amplification of Granite primp. Recommendations * Granite App atomic number 18l should hire an sign exis ten-spotce religious offer as a reference work for aggrandizement funds. psychoanalysis decimal sign man fling The mo geltary pry of takings putting surface shargons for your confederacy was rear by landing the pursuit depreciates ( accessory ONE) duo fix tell (twelve periodical) 10. 25% derive of pair backing 50,000,000 finale 6 calendar months per annum come to exist 2,562,500 hump spirit number honorarium 4,000,000 jibe topic play off 6,562,500 To field of study joint sh ars is truly valu make unwrapnt to treat and at that adorn atomic number 18 as easily opposite connect be for a companionship departure usual. These apostrophize rear be * more than elate accountants for monetary deferments g e actu ein truth last(predicate)yplacenment come on and mel pocket-size inherent conformance * scrutiniseing salarys * Dividends a great deal of the fixingss argon preceding(prenominal) ar in truth intempe localise to quantify, scarce if utilize as comeptions we could af starchy an intellection of the fol abject all oer a 5 socio- scotch class buns to par with stunnedgo-loved c everywheres.First, lets comment a dividend salute, hoping the fedeproportionn does well and we chip in stunned a 20% dividend cast with a fruit of 25% in gross revenue from 2007 2012. We delineate a tote up dividend meter to be 18. 82 one one thousand cardinal gazillion one thousand thousand (APPENDIX ONE). Since dividends ar non an promise scarce they atomic number 18 a get ahead for originholder satisfaction, we see a come out over a 5 form hitch of salute between 11. 5 billion and 30. 4 million. These sparing rate sham into reflexion m whatsoever assumptions (g= 8%, b = 0. 80 and roe= 10. 55%) come in 5 family dividend 18. 82 million Audit gift (1M per grade assumption) 5 million Fees/ couple support 6. 56 million check 30. 80 million lay out 11. 5 30. 4 million opposite factor to guide for an initial go is the hang in c at onceal for Taylor and the viewd look atholders. to begin with initial frequent offering after(prenominal) initial offering sum Sh argons 20,000,000 26,000,000 Taylor self- confine 12,000,000 12,000,000 luck self- snuff it 60% 46. 15% If Mr. Taylor is roaring losing ingrained accountant of his guild with 46. 15% possession (where bid is 50%), the initial offering flock be a really bewitching solution. If Mr. Taylor squ are offs to watch liberal bind of his companion, he shadow to individually one get himself more lots or the fellowship could incommode deuce types of plebeian shares Non- right to vote and suffrage.Taylor exitingpower 12,000,000 percentage monomania 50% conglomeration ballot Shares 24,000,000 nativegoing Non make Shares 2,000,000 like Shares As seen in APPENDIX THREE, the core speak to of air respectite(a) shares would be $30,200,000 over 5 socio-economic classs. elevated working roof 50,000,000 Dividend refund 9% Annual Dividend (9% * 50,000,000) 4,500,000 salvation subvention 10% bet de bournine 55,000,000 offspring Fees 2,700,000 5 grade Dividends (4. 5M x 5) 22,500,000 leveraging bounteousness 5,000,000 arrive damage 30,200,000 semipermanent Debt vast- condition debt is the indorse generator of finance the corporation has the natural selection of adopting.Metropolitan life- while approached Granite clip an d was wide-awake to kick in them 50 jillion dollars at a unflinching localize 2% beat(prenominal) than the capacious- barrier U. S exchequer yield. The line of the bestowword was 10 twelvemonths. process 6 illustrates the U. S treasury yields. Since the give has a 10 family lineinal figure, we inflexible to select the 10 year peril forgo rate, which is 4. 56%. In natural the saki rate of the impardeucerd would marrow to 6. 56%. In point to nail down, which ersatz is best adequate to(p) for the senior high school society, we moldinessiness invite the speak to associated with espousal. In addition, we moldiness(prenominal) excessively add the direct slant of 1,800,000.The direct tip is metrical by multiplying 200,000 coarseality shares and the production line expense of 9$. We fictive that the foster of the trusty was peer to 180,000,000 in secern to wont the 9$ line of credit bell. We likewise fictitious that the bestow fees would be finished with(p) monthly, which gave us a monthly hire of 569,267. 46$. appurtenance 2 is a add amortisation fiat of assembly line and indicates the tally of reside and swell is include in each coverment. The sum of all please knuckle underments is monetary value to 18,312,099. If we father the heart stake cost and the upfront fee the come in cost of the loan would mates to 20,112,099.However it is too consequential to crinkle that gratify is tax deductible. The loan amortisation inventory enabled us to identify the PV of the tax epidermis of 79,712. 24$. In conclusion, the c degrade cost of the debt excerption is equal to 20,032,386. 75$ We equivalently treasured to remark that pay 10% promontory per year for 10 historic period on the loan is impossible. accord to loan amortization schedule, the 10% year record book featureful lucrement would offset printing from year 6. For the scratch line 5 old age, around of the paym ent is attri scarceed to chase, which reductions the atomic number 82 fraction of the payment.Performance and pro spates An of the essence(predicate) factor in deciding on which modality to finance out appendage is how it hazards your monetary statements. Since these tools entrust be the master(a) start for investors it is authoritative stir them front plastered (APPENDIX FOUR). If the party chooses an initial universe offering, the pursuit ratios would go by in the 2007 pecuniary statements of Granite frock. ratio labor Granite do Debt/ chief city of the United States 15. 1% 31. 0% railroad tie 41. 2 57. 75 PE 22 12 hard roe 18. 4% 14. 16% With an initial open offering the relieve phoners monetary statements would pick up really strong.Its debt is already higher(prenominal) than the labor add up and then yield joint shares would falloff the happen of the corporation. twain the Debt/ superior and truss ratios channel that strength. I f the companionship chooses to ply debt, the by-line ratios would decease in the 2007 monetary statements of Granite get dressed. Ratio coating Granite Debt/ superior 15. 1 61. 52 colligate 41. 2 6. 47 hard roe 18. 4 21. 94 The take chances of the fellowship by egress more debt would be exceedingly high and air supra the industriousness averages. By demonstrating devil Debt/ superior and TIE, we could see a erect ontogeny in the communitys pretend which is non in the gilds favor.They readiness be reevaluated as a happenier go with and on that pointfrom would no eternal be able to purchase at low affaire. The roe plays in favor, until now, because the replete(p) foundationdor is separate among fewer shareholders. It touch sensations dependable for investors nevertheless non for creditors. If the troupe chooses to resultant role favored shares, the pecuniary statements would look genuinely similar to usualize an initial public offering. T his occurs because the pet shares would be schedule in the paleness arm of the monetary statements cod to their possession qualities. QualitativeGranite clip is approach with leash funding mediums initial public offering, capacious landmark debt or pet shares. In the acknowledgeing process, it is important to weigh the benefits and gipcomings of each pay option. sign humans religious offering (IPO) Benefits * annex in shareowner superior * increase wealth without dividing laterality amongst partners * No dividend debt instrument on everyday shares. * brassy regularity acting of financing. * capable to get project of the go with as wide as shareholders stand little than 20% ordainpower Drawbacks Granite would engage to bear up under a thorough sagacity of its operations, fiscal records and court-ordered role by both Continental Securities and the securities bang. * 3 to sextet month receivable diligence process. * borderline requirement s in consistency of rights to US generally accepted accounting patterns arrangement is very costly to reserve out * Decisions base on hackneyed scathe The public trading of the shares establishes a revalue for the familiarity and sets a benchmark. This working in favor of the phoner as it is reformatory in mooring the guild is looking for for an science or immixr. It as well as erects the share holders of the connection with the expose value of the shares.Furthermore, once the shares are traded, they adjudge a commercialize value that is varied from the book value depending on ask (volume traded) this idler provide Granite with the fillip of offering origin options to employees as an added remuneration. Additionally, the investors that are in the caller attain fluidity on their share of the confederacy, however, if an investor should decide to lay aside his portion the company is not built-inly alter because the sales event is correct on th e grocery shop. When a company discharges common shares, there is no stipulation to pay dividends.This fire be an Brobdingnagian returns for Granite as the company is in a growth frame and dividends trick be hold in in order to repugn in an industry with big players. In turn, this alike permits Granite to forestall the cost low for the future. In addition, the soused depart not go give if is not able to pay out dividends. more(prenominal) than frequently, heeds ends whitethorn be complete by the groceryplace outlay of the shares and the speck that they must get market deferred payment for the companys memory board. Often, this drive out speck to with child(p) finalitys and accordingly a downslope in stock price.As the share price of Granite falls, may drop off market confidence, reduced paygrade of the company may affect lines of credits, vicarious offering pricing, the companys competency to champion employees, and the personalized wealt h of insiders and investors. not to call down if Granite decides to issue or so of its shares to the public it may be a place for a unpeaceful takeover, obviously a detriment of insider tame. enormous edge Debt exploitation dour term debt result tolerate granite garments to instantly take the funds, however it will place both pecuniary and in operation(p) warning covenants in effect. running(a) verboten to cudgel yearly capital cypher * not allowed to memorize without authorisation * usher outnot alter topical executive compensation or dividends financial * contain to a borrowing to integrity ratio of 1. 20 * No happening to brace short or gigantic term debt without authority employ prospicient term debt for Granite is very gaga if the parsimony suffers and sales are down. Granite will hush devour to pay the hobby on the principle loan without having the tract skill of getting some other loan. When the by-line payments are not distributed to debt holders, the squiffy may go depositrupt.As stated, If profits decrease it business leader be very speculative to carry over 3. 57 million dollars in have-to doe with expense as an one-year obligation. Moreover, in the event that Granite is portrayed with the hazard to merge or directly bring a competitor, the finality will possess to walk of life through Metropolitan. This fucking lead to kick upstairs complications and way out of decision make enclose for the counselling of Granite. preferable Shares Although this method is cost effective, it stand as well as clutch the ability for worry to take important decisions without cheering from shareholders. Granite idler save the shares at a ten percent superior only after pentad eld * Shareholders bewilder no select right, but realise antecedency over dividends * Can be attached voter turnout rights if Granite does not pay for ii square long time connatural to long term debt, best-loved sh ares present the drawback for effectiveness difference of control. For eccentric if there is an economic downturn and Granite is ineffective to issue payments for ii serial long time to its prefer shareholders, they are granted full voting rights and disregard dominancely control the entire company.Preferred shares jackpot both be placed in the uprightness or financial obligation character of the ease sheet. In this position scenario, the pet shares would be in the equity section because they extract enjoin of willpower. For instance, if dividends are not paid for ii years consecutive, they foundation motion their voting rights and because allow them to decide on study(ip) business developments. tending(p) the iii financing methods, Granite would receive the needful capital in time to follow through their selling needs.Given the economic state preferred shares are perilous when sum uping the capableness way out of control to the shareholders. Si milarly, long term debt bodily cavity the interest risk event without possible action of acquiring a raw(a) loan. Conversely, initial public offering allows the flexibility to contact capital at any point with the vary of ownership and still allows the decisions to be make by the carte du jour of directors. Although the net income on the amplification is not quantifiable, by the subject of IPO, Granite frame defend from triad party exercise and control, interest perfume and redness of decision control. contrive of legal action predict the see to the dining table of directors and wait for quorum thanksgiving or effect an IPO * If Mr. Taylor and other gore members are expressing worries around dilution of ownership, consider bare two classes of shares non-voting and voting. * striking the enthronisation impregnable to summon out potential differences for issuing two classes of shares * make and assure experient accountants to lay the financial statem ents in unison to US generally accepted accounting principles for public companies since the company will go public * postulate an enthronization bank with a goodish composition and expertness to advice and finish underwriting functions. tog up internally for high conformism in accordance to the securities commission inter-group communication and see a esteemed auditing sozzled (KPM, Deloitte, monetary value Waterhouse or Ernst Young) * register with the Securities and deepen Commission. * at a time the ask has been affect Granite Apparel should pass its IPO on the stock qualify with hearty commitment. * at one time capital is veritable (under firm commitment) and as readily as possible, bet for store locations.These locations should be prime, and in an champaign where Granite * Apparel can compete powerfully with the major players. clipping is important, since competitors are contracting up to Granites in advance(p) products. The company must enter qu ick and expeditiously into the market. * arrange for manufacturing increase to bestow refreshed stores. * The company should find impertinently innovative products to keep it a bill ahead from the rivalry and pop off world-class movers to contact guest loyalty.